About Us - MaximumGPnews

Who are we?

MaximumGPnews is a Dutch Formula 1 website published by Valkering Media B.V. This website was founded in January 2017 with the aim of providing news to Dutch and Belgian Formula 1 fans. On this website, you will find the latest news about Formula 1, useful information about the races, circuits, and drivers, and unique content with interesting perspectives on Formula 1.

Our Story

MaximumGPnews is a website by Formula 1 enthusiasts, for Formula 1 enthusiasts. Under the leadership of CEO Sjoerd Valkering, we have set a course in which timely informing fans is central. Combined with analyses, interviews, opinion pieces, and other unique content, we strive to introduce Formula 1 readers to the world of motorsport as best as possible, providing an experience that offers an accurate perspective on the sport.

Through our fast reporting and highlighting the relevant storylines within the sport, MaximumGPnews has rapidly grown into one of the largest Formula 1 sites in the Netherlands. However, we are not done yet. With your support and enthusiasm, we aim to continue growing, offering more unique content, and creating a close-knit readership community where we become a valuable platform for fans and experts to share their opinions on the key topics within the sport.

Our Vision

It is of utmost importance to us that you receive all the news from the Formula 1 world as quickly and accurately as possible. Therefore, our team works almost continuously to provide our audience with the most interesting articles and facts, so that you don't miss anything, no matter where you are or when you need this information.

Additionally, honesty and pure content are highly valued by us. We shed light on the storylines related to Formula 1. Whether it's technical details about one of the cars, a matter raised with the FIA, or simply an entertaining anecdote from one of the young heroes of the sport, we keep you informed of the latest developments and hope that they resonate with you.

In terms of journalism, it is important for us to stay close to the source. Therefore, we always mention where we obtained our information from and try to present interesting and relevant perspectives based on the gathered information, ensuring that you are always up-to-date and equipped with the most solid Formula 1 knowledge.

Our Editorial Team at MaximumGPnews

Our team consists of the management, editorial board, and the editors. Below you will find useful information regarding the individuals in question, including how to contact them. Do you have any questions or comments for the editorial team of MaximumGPnews? Feel free to contact one of our editors or the management.

For all tips, questions, and comments, you can contact the editorial team via info@maximumgpnews.nl.


Sjoerd Valkering (s.valkering@valkeringmedia.nl)

Editorial board:

Mike van Weert (m.vanweert@f1maximaal.nl )
Rick Pasker (r.pasker@f1maximaal.nl)
Mark Hanselman


David Ruiter
Mitchel Zandee
Shanna Lutgert
Bart Slabbekoorn
Stephan Koolschijn

Valkering Media B.V.
Weesperstraat 96D
1112AP Diemen
+31 6 50 40 91 00

Sales and Marketing

Do you have questions about a possible collaboration or do you want to advertise? Visit our advertising page.

The automated advertising sales for MaximumGPnews is provided by Massarius. Massarius is a programmatic first sales house for medium-sized publishers. The approach of Massarius is service-oriented, transparent, and knowledge-intensive.

Buying on a position level of banners and advertorials is also possible via Media Futures Market. You can do so through this link. Registration is required here.

More about the publisher of MaximumGPnews can be found at http://www.valkeringmedia.nl/.

Passionate about Formula 1?

Are you also passionate about Formula 1 and would like to join our team? Open applications are always welcome and can be sent to m.vanweert@f1maximaal.nl